Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Things so far

Whats been going on? Besides an almost fruitless search for the lone public access internet spot in town.

We took two trips to the cabin to clean it up and to bring supplies. One of them brought us back at 12:30 am to a harbor that was completely empty of water. Dad and Stan waited out there for an hour for the tide to flood. The other trip was less painful besides the 5 o'clock wake up. A quick there and back mission that had us back in the harbor at 9am. 

My boat is ready to go and fish. Its going in the water tonight and I'm planning some speed trials to see how the engine performs. Last year I had deeply frustrating torque issues. 

Nets are put together and loaded. Ready to make the first sets. Ready to catch the first ton of fish!

I think we will head out to the cabin tomorrow evening and we will probably start fishing on Thursday or Friday.

Low Tide

Fishing Jargon

Here are some of the terms that find common usage in our camp and others in the bay. Can you guess what they mean? Answers next week. Oh yeah, keep it clean we are fishermen, not sailors!

Trip line
Belly Cinch
Basket Case

Good Luck

that last post

Took an hour and a half to upload, no joke, no exaggerations. I did finally find an internet connection in town. The pictures were of our stuff and our neighbors stuff.

the boatyard and tons of stuff

Monday, June 13, 2011

Captains Dinner

Peter Pan invites all of its fishermen for a captains dinner. There is food, prizes, singing, prayers, drinking, lots of talking, and catching up with old buddies.

The Cat

Yeah she's really snooty about having her picture taken. She also is real good at hiding when there is work to be done.

Two days ago I was working on something and I hear all this twittering behind the container so I walk over to go see whats going on and the cat comes tearing around the corner and right into the container with a bird in her mouth. Before I could get there the bird escapes and flys out pretty much near as fast as a swallow can. I guess she likes birding.

Today she just lay around in the first day of sun that we've had. I think she likes it up here.